Category: Cherries

Cherry variety Ovstuzhenka

Cherry variety Ovstuzhenka

Ovstuzhenka is a sweet cherry variety with fruits of early middle ripening period. Bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine by hybridization of 2 varieties - Compact Venyaminova and Leningradskaya Black. The authorship is assigned to M.V. Kanshina. Since 2001, the variety ...

Cherry variety Fatezh

Cherry variety Fatezh

Fatezh is a cherry of medium early ripening. Bred at the All-Russian Institute of Selection and Technology for Horticulture and Nursery (FGBNU VSTISP) through sowing seeds from free pollination of the Leningradskaya Yellow variety. The author of the variety: A.I. Evstratov. In 2001 ...

Cherry variety Valery Chkalov

Cherry variety Valery Chkalov

Valery Chkalov is an old, early-ripening sweet cherry variety obtained jointly by the Central Genetic Laboratory. I.V. Michurin (the current All-Russian Research Institute of Breeding of Fruit Crops) and the Melitopol Experimental Gardening Station named after M.F. Sidorenko. Is an...

Cherry variety Revna

Cherry variety Revna

Revna is a cherry of medium late ripening, bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupin. Obtained from a seedling of the variety Bryanskaya pink. The authorship belongs to M.V. Kanshina and A.I. Astakhov. Since 1993, the variety has been adopted by the state ...

Cherry variety Iput

Cherry variety Iput

Iput - early ripe sweet cherry of the selection of the All-Russian Research Institute of Lupine. Derived through crossing two numbered forms - 3−36 × 8−14. The authorship belongs to M.V. Kanshina and A.I. Astakhov. Since 1993, the variety has been included in the State Register of Breeding ...


