Rinda cabbage variety (F1)
Rinda is a hybrid of White Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. Capitata) of medium ripening, bred by the Dutch agricultural firm Monsanto (Monsanto Holland B.V.). The seeds are marketed under the brand name Seminis (a subsidiary of Monsanto). In 1993, the variety was included in the state register of the Russian Federation in two regions - Central (Bryansk, Vladimir, Ivanovsk, Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Smolensk and Tula regions) and Volgo-Vyatsky (Kirov, Sverdlovsk, Nizhny Novgorod regions; Republic of Mari El, Udmurt and Chuvash; Perm Territory). The authorship belongs to V.I. Bolgov.
The Rinda variety is suitable for cultivation in order to sell the crop on the market, it stays on the vine for a long time, shows good results when grown in various climatic conditions. It is characterized by resistance to cracking and shooting, as well as high ductility. The period from germination to technical ripeness is 120 - 130 days, from planting seedlings in the ground - 80 - 85 days.
The plants are powerful. The leaf rosette is compact, semi-raised. Heads of cabbage are leveled, homogeneous, dense, with an average weight of 3 - 5 kg (maximum weight - 8 kg), have a rounded shape, yellowish-white on the cut. The inner stump is short. The yield of marketable heads of cabbage is 900 - 915 kg / ha.
This cabbage is not stored for long (2 - 4 months), therefore it is recommended to use it fresh, for fermentation and cooking of culinary dishes (soups, cabbage rolls, stewed and fried)
Advantages of Rinda cabbage: excellent taste properties of heads (juicy and sweet), high yield and marketability, amicable return of the harvest.
I have been planting for several years. Huge dense heads of cabbage, well kept.