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Rose Coffee break

Not every variety of roses is honored to be the dream of flower growers. To do this, you need to have a truly magnificent appearance, which makes you forget about everything in the world. Coffee Break is just such a flower. It stands out among the other inhabitants of the garden, causing admiring glances.

History of creation

The variety was obtained in 2008 in Germany. The place of its breeding was the well-known nursery Tantau, located in the north of the country and famous for its beautiful varietal roses almost throughout Europe. Coffee break is the result of a cross between the Tresor 2000 and Leonidas flower queen varieties. In the catalogs, you can sometimes see another name for the culture: Tan03315.

Description of appearance and features

Coffee Break is a tea hybrid. In this case, the plant belongs to the cut varieties. Many people want to get it in their flower collection because of the gorgeous flowers - large, double, velvety, but, most importantly, endowed with the so-called fiery beauty, due to the incomparable play of shades. The flowers are cupped, resembling a miniature head of cabbage when blooming, and delight the eye with a harmonious combination of rich orange, terracotta, sand, reddish-brown tones, which subtly merge into each other. It makes a lasting impression! The diameter of each flower is approximately 10 cm. The number of petals ranges from 25 to 30 pieces. Rose buds are dense, goblet. A subtle, very delicate floral scent emanates from them. Bright flowers usually form one at a time on long peduncles and very rarely in groups of 3-5 buds each. Coffee break blooms profusely and for a long time, from June to the end of October.

The spectacular plant is a tall, well-leafed shrub with densely spaced shoots. The height of the coffee break can reach a maximum of 1 meter, in width it grows up to 60 cm. The leaves on the bush are distinguished by their density and juicy green color.

The variety is characterized by high frost resistance: the flower tolerates air temperature drops to -35 ° C. For this reason, he does not need shelter, unless the rose is grown in the northern regions - in this case, it will be necessary to protect the culture from the cold with spruce branches or with the help of a peat mound. The flowers of the plant are quite resistant to rain, and the foliage to various diseases.

Growing conditions and care

Coffee Break is partial to sunlight, but is afraid of drafts. Therefore, the place for placing the culture should be chosen taking into account these features. It is also worth considering carefully the choice of soil for planting shrubs: it should be moderately moist and loose, have a pH in the range of 5.6-7.3. The recommended planting pit depth is at least half a meter. Place a gravel or sand drainage layer on the bottom. The composition of the soil mixture can be as follows: 2 parts of fertile leafy land, 3 parts of manure, 2 parts of river sand and 1 part of peat. It is best to plant a rose in the second half of spring. Before this, hold the seedlings in water for several hours and shorten the shoots.

The flower requires regular watering and feeding. Moisten the soil under the bush rarely (once a week), but abundantly. The next day after watering, it is necessary to loosen the substrate. Every 10-15 days, specialized complex fertilizers are applied. This is done during the period of active growth and in the budding phase; in August, feeding is stopped. The plant also needs pruning. It is held in spring and autumn. Periodically, weeds are removed from the near-trunk circle of the earth.

Use cases

Since Coffee Break is a cut variety, it is primarily used to create bouquets. Beautiful shoots, crowned with luxurious buds, can stand in water for up to two weeks, practically unchanged. In landscape design, Coffee break favorably emphasizes the beauty of mixed flower beds. If you want all the attention of those who will admire your flower garden to be riveted to the rose, plant a plant in the foreground of your site.

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