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Apple variety Narodnoe

Narodnoe is a late summer apple variety (sometimes referred to as early autumn varieties), obtained in 1937 at the Scientific Research Institute of Fruit Growing. I.V. Michurin as a result of crossing two wonderful varieties - Bellefleur-Chinese x Folding... The variety was bred by Professor S.I. Isaev in collaboration with Z.I. Ivanova, V.K. Zaets and M.P. Maximova. In 1964, Narodnoye was added to the State Register, the variety was zoned in the Central (Voronezh and Lipetsk regions) and Srednevolzhsky (Republic of Mordovia) regions.

Apple variety Narodnoe

The trees are medium-sized, belonging to the semi-dwarf type. The crown is rounded, slightly spreading, not thickened. The ends of the branches are slightly raised up. Bark on skeletal branches of brown color. Fruiting of a mixed type, fruit setting occurs on pods, spears, ringlets and fruit twigs.

Shoots are rather thick, straight, brownish-gray in color, with dense pubescence. Lentils are medium in size, yellowish in color, are rare. Leaves are medium in size, dull, light green in color, broadly ovate or elongated, with pointed tips and crenate-wavy edges. The bases of the leaves are oval, with a slight curvature. The surface of the leaf blade is fleecy, wrinkled. Petioles are thin, of medium length, densely pubescent. Stipules are small, subulate.

In appearance, the fruits of the Narodnoye apple tree are similar to Papirovka. Apples usually grow to a medium size, the average weight of one fruit is 100 - 135 grams. However, fruits up to 200 grams can be found on young apple trees. Apples have a rounded, slightly elongated shape, there are either no ribs at all, or the ribbing is very weak in the upper part of the fruit (towards the top). On the surface of many apples, the narrow seam characteristic of Papirovka is clearly visible. Subcutaneous dots of gray color, small size, on the skin of the fruit are presented in large numbers. The main color of apples at the time of picking is greenish-yellow, by the time of full maturity - a beautiful golden-yellow. Fruits are devoid of integumentary coloration. The peduncle is thick, can be short or medium in length. The funnel is medium in depth and width, with a slight rustiness. The saucer is small in size, narrow in shape, slightly folding. The calyx is medium in size, closed or half-open type. The heart is bulbous. The seed chambers can be closed or slightly half-open. The sub-cup tube can be tapered or funnel-shaped. The seeds are dark brown in color, short in length and strongly convex in shape.

Apple variety Narodnoe

The taste qualities of Narodnoye have undoubtedly inherited from the parent variety Bellefleur-Chinese: dessert-type apples have an excellent pleasantly refreshing sour-sweet taste. The pulp at the time of removal of a greenish tint, in the consumer period - yellowish, juicy, with a pleasant aroma, fine-grained structure, not very loose. Compared to Papirovka, the fruits of Narodny are undeniably tastier and are stored much longer - in a refrigerator, at least until January. The total period of their consumption is on average 134 days (for comparison, the Antonovka ordinary period of use is 102 days). Mostly fruits are consumed fresh, but they are also great for processing (compotes, drying etc.). It is also worth noting that People's apples are a favorite treat for wasps.

The excellent taste of the fruits of this variety is due to the high sugar-acid ratio: the sugar content is high, the acid content is optimally average. In terms of chemical composition, apples contain: the sum of sugars (11.4%), acids (0.4 - 0.5%), dry matter (13%), ascorbic acid (7.7 mg / 100 g).

The fruits ripen in the late summer period - in late August - early September, usually 10 days later than the fruits of Papirovka.

This apple tree is unusually fast-growing: the first apples can be harvested in the second year after planting, after which the volume of the harvest increases rapidly. A significant harvest in the garden can be obtained in 4 - 5 years.The maximum yield from one tree is 160 kg. Young apple trees bear fruit annually; mature trees can produce irregularly periodic harvests (about 25 kg per apple tree). Also, the variety is self-fertile, therefore, pollination occurs even in adverse weather conditions and in the absence of bees.

Apple variety Narodnoe

According to the observations of I.S. Isaeva (Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, daughter of the professor-creator of the variety): out of almost 200 varieties of apple trees planted in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, Narodnoe received the highest total yield in the first 10 years after planting. And already for the second 10 years after planting, the total yield from a semi-dwarf apple tree (819 kg!) Turned out to be equal to the yield of fairly large trees of Antonovka vulgaris.

The winter hardiness of the variety is about the same as that of Papirovka and Antonovka ordinary. Scab resistance is higher than that of Papirovka and the same or slightly lower than that of Antonovka.

The main advantages of the variety are: a combination of small trees with high early maturity and high annual productivity; excellent dessert taste of apples; long period of fresh fruit consumption (in comparison with Papirovka); sufficiently high resistance to scab; the ability to use the fruits for technical processing.

The disadvantages include a later ripening period than Papirovka, and the absence of a cover color on the apples. Although one can argue with the latter, because the fruits look so very attractive and appetizing.

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5 years ago

The only apple tree that I have taken root on the site and gives a crop. Unpretentious, but still requires care.

5 years ago

I began to bear fruit in the 4th year (it bloomed in the 3rd year, but dropped flowers due to drought). This year (5th year) there were 13 apples. Everyone liked the taste, juicy, sweet with a little sourness. Among the shortcomings: the skin is thick and rougher than Papirovka's.

Ekaterina, East Kazakhstan, p. New Bukhtarma
5 years ago

Good grade. Fruiting is always abundant, as many branches are breaking, it is imperative to put supports under them. The crown is spreading, but not high. It grows well in our partial shade. The apples are wonderful: juicy, tasty, firm. The fruits ripen late, stay cool for a long time. We eat until about mid-November. Those that matured last are the largest. Resistant to cracking. In cooking, in my opinion, it can be used everywhere.

The apple tree rests approximately every 3 years. He does not like moisture much - apples begin to rot and leaves dry, which must be removed and burned. Pests and ants love her, which drag away aphids all over the tree. Every spring we spray the crown with chemicals (before flowering or after, but not during it) and thoroughly coat about half of the trunk with a mixture of clay and lime.

Sergey, Nizhny Novgorod
4 years ago

Grows in the garden of relatives, planted by my grandfather in the 1980s. Perhaps the best apples in the garden - both in taste and in the size of the fruit. Ripe fruits are large and slightly translucent in the sun.

The closest analogy is White filling; while Narodnaya is less “wadded”, denser and juicier (but not harsh).

Natasha, Konakovo, Tver region
4 years ago

The apple tree is 2 years old, it bloomed in the spring, now there are two apples hanging - a wonderful view, transparent in the sun. It is necessary to remove, but sorry, large and beautiful.

Igor. Smolensk.
3 years ago

Last September I planted this variety. I followed him to Peredelkino, to the Isaevs' dacha.As soon as it grows and begins to bear fruit, I will publish a photo report). Many thanks to Sergei Ivanovich for a wonderful variety! Eternal memory to him.


