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Apple variety Medunitsa

The apple tree Medunitsa belongs to the group of summer varieties. This is a variety of domestic selection, obtained in the 50s of the last century by the famous Russian scientist S.I. Isaev by crossing the Russian variety ‘Cinnamon striped'and Canadian ‘Welsey'. The variety is truly extraordinary, as it has absorbed the best parental qualities. It belongs to immune varieties that are highly resistant to the main disease of apple trees - scab, and another important property - winter hardiness. The taste qualities of the apple tree are reflected even in its name; it is the leader among summer varieties in all its main characteristics.

Apple variety Medunitsa

Photo: Makarova Tatiana, Kostroma

Characteristics of varietal characteristics... At the time of fruiting, the trees of the Medunitsa apple tree enter early, at 4 - 5 years. The yield is high. During the first ten years, the tree bears fruit annually, after which fruiting is periodic: large yields alternate with low ones. Apples of this variety ripen very early, in late August - early September. They are not stored for long, up to a month. During storage, they do not lose their taste. In most cases, until the moment of the main harvest, they do not remain on the tree, since, due to the sweet taste and delicate texture, apples are suitable for consumption even in an unripe form.

Apple variety Medunitsa

Photo: Makarova Tatiana, Kostroma

The fruits are not large, the bulk has a weight of 100 - 150 grams. In shape, they are flat-rounded, speckled-striped by 20 - 50%. The main color is yellow-green, the integumentary color is from light to deep red crimson. The taste is very sweet, spicy, with a specific aroma. The pulp is light creamy, fine-grained, dense, juicy, contains about 14 mg% sugar. On a taste scale, it is rated above 4 points.

A feature of the apple tree is its resistance to scab disease, which is considered above average, and to rotting. Plants are not afraid of high groundwater levels, to which fruit trees are usually very sensitive. The winter hardiness of the apple tree is above average.

Apple variety Medunitsa

Photo: Makarova Tatiana, Kostroma

Features of crown formation... The trees of the apple tree Medunitsa are tall, with a pyramidal crown. Crohn's sparse, drooping branches. Fruiting is mixed, mainly on shoots of two, three years of age, as well as perennials. The tree is distinguished by strong growth, therefore, the crown should be formed within the shortest possible time. Subsequently, regulating pruning is required. The variety differs from others in the shape of the leaves: they are long, narrow, slightly curved towards the middle.

Growing areas... The Medunitsa variety was not zoned, which prevented it from becoming widespread in amateur gardens from the northern regions of Russia to the Caucasus region. High winter hardiness allowed it to spread in the Siberian region up to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to amateur gardeners, trees endure severe winters with temperatures dropping to minus 40 degrees.

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Akhmed, Vladikavkaz
4 years ago

When can you see the first fruits from a young tree?

Ira, St. Petersburg
4 years ago

Near St. Petersburg, "Medunitsa" fruited in the third year after planting, somewhere in 3-4 years ... A very small bush and already three apples ... we are waiting for when they ripen)

Natalia, Perm region
3 years ago

We have already had the first apples on our two-year-old age (about five).

2 years ago

It depends on what kind of rootstock the apple tree is. At medium height - for the 3rd year.

Nadezhda, Moscow
4 years ago

The apple tree has been growing for 10 years, practically does not bear fruit (5 - 7 apples on a tree, or even less), although it entered fruiting very early. It drives whips of branches upwards, that is, long bare branches similar in appearance to tops. What to do? It's a pity to cut it down, I like the taste of apples.

Tatiana, Kostroma
4 years ago

Hope, you should have formed "Medunitsa", this is the reason for the lack of harvest. In the spring, cut off the excess, without sparing, lower the crown, then bend the branches, tying them to the pegs. The apple tree will repay you with delicious apples. There will be no apples on vertical branches.

3 months agoDP_Curious

The lungwort is very light-requiring. Most likely it is shaded by neighboring trees. I had the same problem. Gave the first harvest in the 4th year, then it was shaded by two apple trees and a pear. I had to shorten the neighbors and lighten the crown with them. This year I got a good harvest from Medunitsa. Republic of Mari El, Yoshkar-Ola.

Izyaslav, Yaroslavl region
4 years ago

Planted three seedlings in 2008. Unfortunately, one died due to the close occurrence of groundwater, but a new graft from healthy specimens was grafted onto the surviving stock. Until the new scion bears fruit. But over the years, two seedlings have grown into powerful trees 4 meters high. In the 4th year, they gave their first fruits. In the first year, only a few apples, but very tasty and juicy. Now we are collecting apples from Medunitsa in sufficient quantities. The whole family loves them very much and regularly uses them directly from the tree. Due to the palatability, the fruit remains only on the top of the tree at the time of harvest. We look forward to when Lungsten gets older and there will be more fruits than the appetite of children.

This variety has few falcons, but it also does not lose its taste. The fruits are not suitable for storage, as they begin to deteriorate. Even if the apple has lain for several days, it does not taste the same as freshly plucked from the tree.

Tree care consisted in forming near-trunk circles from a dense layer of freshly cut grass. Naturally pruning and bleaching from burns. We water it occasionally once or twice during the summer in extreme heat. One apple tree was planted in an artificial hillock made of earth, about 40 cm high. The tree planted in the hillock developed and grew better than the second, planted simply in the ground. Fruiting is more abundant in an apple tree planted in a hillock. For the winter we cover tree trunks with spruce paws, since we live in a village, and animals can eat trees. All winters wintered this variety perfectly. Even frosts over 30 degrees endured without problems. During the growth of the apple trees did not hurt anything. I advise everyone to have one or two Honeyunica trees in their garden for fresh consumption, because of the great taste of apples.

Tatiana, Kostroma
4 years ago

Regarding the harvest: apples are picked as if unripe, their pulp is gaining taste, sugar and aroma by November, in this case they are stored well. This year, the latter were eaten on January 7th. The peel does not acquire a beet color either immediately. If you remove them late, when they begin to blush on the tree, then they are stored for less time.

Natalia, Perm region
3 years ago

Indeed (and surprisingly) the summer variety keeps well! We are still eating Medunitsa (and today is February 12th). I store it, however, in the refrigerator in the vegetable section. It is a pity that a lot will not fit there.

Alexander, Yaroslavl region
3 years ago

Even as a child, having tried this variety, I really liked it. And when I decided to plant apple trees, I started with him. I bought seedlings from different nurseries to compare them to taste. I planted it with an interval of one year, in the hope that one apple tree is resting, the other bears fruit in the same year.
The taste of the apples turned out to be the same, and the apple trees, despite the fact that they were planted at different times, bear fruit together, and the next year they rest. I took grafts from all the seedlings and grafted them myself into a wild one of an unknown variety. This tree grows in more fertile land. The apples are larger and sweeter, fruiting is constant, without periods, every year. I decided that this is the influence of both the rootstock and what grows on fertile land.
Winter is well tolerated. This year there were 40 frosts, a small number of branches froze.
Trees of other varieties are almost completely frozen.

2 years ago

Could someone send a thread of this sort? There are many different varieties, one can exchange
89 372 140 500

Igor. Smolensk.
1 year ago
Answer to Ivan

+7 915 319 59 47. This is Irina Sergeevna Isaeva's number, she can send cuttings.

y.v., Moscow region
2 years ago

The variety is really very sweet, and it even has sweet carrion, from the beginning of August you can eat it, in the middle it ripens normally. I like very sweet apples, so I am generally satisfied.
But the disadvantages are also full, first of all, the shape of the tree. Branches are sparse, bare, branching little, there are almost no fruits, only twigs. How to shape it is not clear, most of the branches are at an acute angle. Maybe it’s a bit dark for me ... It’s not very resistant to scab either, at the Shtrifel level, no more. But it also does not freeze, unlike the summer Melba. The yield of my tree is not very high, the apples are small at the bottom, larger and colored closer to the top.
I took the seedling at Moscow State University, so I definitely have this variety.)


