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Cucumber variety Zozulya (F1)

Zozulya is a time-tested hybrid of an early ripening cucumber. From germination to fruiting, 42 - 48 days pass. The variety is designed for growing in greenhouses and film shelters - it is here that it gives the highest yields. Also suitable for growing at home. In 1977, the variety was included in the state register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation. Zoned in most regions of Russia, including the North, North-West, Central, Volgo-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus and Middle Volga.

Cucumber variety Zozulya

The Zozulya cucumber hybrid was bred at the V.I. IN AND. Edelstein. The authorship is assigned to G.I. Tarakanov, N.V. Borisov, G.P. Dodonov and M.D. Panova.

The plant is weakly plaited, partially parthenocarpic, which allows it to set fruit without pollination. However, to increase the yield, it is better to plant a pollinator - 2 - 3 male plants are required per row. Cucumber bushes are unpretentious, resistant to unfavorable weather conditions, responsive to mineral fertilizing, differ in limited lateral branching - you do not have to carry out pinching and pinching. It is recommended to plant 2 - 3 bushes per square meter. The yield is 15 - 20 kg / m2 and more, in the first month - 8 - 16 kg / m2.

Cucumber variety Zozulya

Photo by: Sattarova Naylya, Sverdlovsk region

Fruits are dark green, cylindrical, sometimes with a slight bend, slightly grooved, with sparse large tubercles and pronounced longitudinal stripes, 14-24 cm long, weighing 160-300 g. White thorns. The skin is thin. The pulp is juicy, dense, sweetish, with excellent taste. Zelentsy do not turn yellow for a long time and remain marketable.

Plants are cold-resistant, resistant to fungal and viral diseases: cladosporium (olive spot), root rot, cucumber mosaic virus. There is no resistance to fusarium wilt, true and downy mildew.

Cucumber variety Zozulya

The variety is suitable for fresh consumption and pickling. For salting, it is better not to use it or eat it in the first year after harvesting, because in the second year of storage, the fruits become soft.

Advantages of Zozulya cucumber: amicable and long-term fruiting, resistance to diseases, good presentation, high taste, self-regulating branching, high yield.

At present, the breeding and seed-growing company "Manul", whose employees once participated in the breeding of Zozul's cucumber, have developed new improved hybrid analogous varieties: Emelya, Makar, Mill, Marta, Company secret, Real colonel.

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Tretyak Natalia, Zolochev
5 years ago

I like these cucumbers, first of all, for their versatility. I grew them both in a greenhouse, and under low film shelters, and in the open field. This is possible, since the variety is not only bee-pollinated, but also partially parthenocarpic. In the greenhouse, I pulled the net and passed the lashes through it - there is a moderate amount of lateral shoots of the plant, so this is not difficult to do, and the planting does not thicken. In the street, the whips lie on the ground. The variety is early, rather resistant to diseases. I started growing it during a downy mildew outbreak. At that time, it was difficult to get a normal harvest, the plants died at the beginning of fruiting. And Zozula managed to survive.

The fruits are long, almost smooth, juicy, tasty, delicate in taste, the skin is also tender. Perfect for salads. Delicious lightly salted. But although Zozulya is considered a salad, and the pimples on the fruits are white, in lean years I salted these cucumbers for the winter. It turned out fine, they did not become limp, they remained firm. I didn't like the pickled ones.

4 years ago

One of the best varieties for germination, in my opinion. I tried to grow both under the film and in the open field, in the open the seedlings are stronger and healthier. I like that there are a moderate amount of side shoots, because I do not put support, the whips are on the ground.

The yield is not bad, they are stored for a long time in the refrigerator after plucking. I tried to salt it - often a white bloom appears in the jar; with other cucumbers (with the same processing and salting method), there are no such problems. So, if plaque does not appear, then it tastes very good, but it is better to use fresh.

Kapitolina, Ivanovo region
3 years ago

Zozulya's cucumber is one of the most beloved. I planted it both at home on the windowsill and in the greenhouse. In early April, she sowed it in a pot with a capacity of about five to six liters. The land must be well fertilized. I took a mixture of garden soil and rotted manure. She was already harvesting in May. A powerful bush develops, there are many ovaries, but one or two cucumbers ripen at the same time, I cut them off early to give other cucumbers an opportunity to develop.

But it bears fruit best of all in a greenhouse. Requires a garter. Once I had to treat my cucumbers for root rot (because of my mistake - you can't huddle cucumbers). She treated with a talker made of copper sulphate and whitewash - she just whitewashed the stems at the base, not really hoping for success, and went on a business trip. And when I arrived ten days later, I was shocked when I looked into the greenhouse - the whole greenhouse was hung with cucumbers about thirty centimeters long. Marinated twenty cans, distributed the rest. Excellent taste in the marinade, only you need to cut the cucumber into pieces - it does not fit entirely into the jar.

Oksana, Leningrad region
2 years ago

Capitolina, how did you make the talker?

Elena, Samara
2 years ago

We have been growing cucumbers "Zozulya" for many years. And although every year we try to grow other new varieties and hybrids, we still have not found equal to him. Cucumbers ripen very early - only 1.5 - 2 months pass from sowing, and we are already trying the first greens! I especially like the fact that "Zozuli" does not have bitter fruits at all, even if there are large temperature drops. Cucumbers grow beautiful: the fruits are elongated, with a dark skin with barely noticeable stains, and what is especially pleasant, there are no sharp thorns on the fruits. I also really like that among the cucumbers there are neither overgrown giants nor dwarfs - they are all even and aligned in size and weight. In my opinion, this plant has only one drawback - it is a hybrid, so you cannot collect "your" seeds and you have to buy them every year.

Alexey, Pochep
2 years ago

Zozulya is a cucumber proven over the years. My wife loves to grow it on the windowsill in early spring. Plants one or two bushes in a bucket of earth and on the sunny side, plus evening lighting. As a result, by mid-April - early May we have our own fresh cucumbers with a minimum content of chemical fertilizers.
The cucumbers themselves are oblong, with juicy pulp and small seeds. The taste is pleasant cucumber, and not like purchased ones! We have been growing cucumbers for more than ten years. We tried other varieties, but Zozuli's result is consistently the best.


